ArborTech Newsletters

January 2022

Aim of the project ArborTech Erasmus+ is to provide a professional approach to the modern requirements of urban green infrastructure through vocational education and training (EQF level 4) for VET students. Development and implementation of a new VET programme ‘Arboriculture for Gardeners’ in already exist formal VET program in school centres, development of an educational platform and a physical and virtual dendrology laboratory, promotion of arboriculture and its importance.

November 2022

According to Eurostat and OECD data, 72% of the EU population lives in urban areas. The results indicate a continuous growth of cities and population density, as well as urban transformation, especially in EU countries, as a result of commercialization and densification of urban areas, and the expansion of built-up areas, which are devouring green spaces, leading to a disconnect between people and nature.

November 2023

In November 2023, teacher training took place in Arboretum Volčji Potok in Slovenia. In today’s educational landscape, the effective implementation of VET programmes is essential. The ‘Arboriculture for Gardeners’ programme stands out, addressing environmental concerns and the demand for skilled professionals in urban green spaces management − arboriculture.

June 2024

The first step in arboriculture is recognizing different species of trees and other ornamental woody plants. We want our students and other participants in education to have the opportunity to see and touch concrete examples and parts of woody plants, such as branches, bark, seeds, fruits, cones, etc., to be able to smell conifer resins and hear the sound of pine nuts when shaken, as well as count one-year trunk increments.